Our Mission

Our Purpose
We equip and educate attorneys to profitably offer unbundled legal services and other affordable options to working families who need qualified legal help.
Too many families are left unrepresented due to personal economic circumstances. We are impacting the affordability of legal services by presenting a forward-thinking way of delivering legal services, and empowering both attorneys and the public.

Our Vision
We envision a future in which every hard-working person in North America can have access to the legal help they need, regardless of their financial circumstances.
We recognize a massive opportunity for attorneys to offer unbundled legal services as a means to both build a profitable practice, and help those who may not be able to afford a huge upfront retainer - thus significantly reducing the amount of people filing “pro-se” who might put themselves in precarious legal situations.

Our Values
Client Commitment: We are deeply committed to connecting people with attorneys who care and are willing to offer unbundled legal services or other affordable options.
Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our decisions and dealings with ourselves, the leads we provide, and the attorneys we work with.
Innovation: We are deeply committed to a way of relentless improvement; both in how we deliver our services, and the technology we develop, deliver and/or integrate with.
Meet Our Leadership Team

Dave Aarons
Founder & CEO
Dave Aarons is the founder and CEO of Unbundled Attorney, and works hand-in-hand across all departments to guide our company's growth and mission. Dave loves to golf, often competing as a scratch golfer all over the country. He is an avid traveler, having spent time in over 30 countries, and is also very passionate about helping inspire a new era of purpose-driven and socially conscious entrepreneurship.

Graham Scott
Chief Sales Officer
Graham Scott, our Chief Sales Officer, has been with Unbundled Attorney since its inception and is instrumental in building our attorney network and leading the sales team. Graham grew up in England, and he loves to travel the globe as a digital nomad, exploring new continents, cultures, and countries.

Ray Gerow
Director of Search Marketing
Ray Gerow leads our Search Engine Marketing and Data Reporting division for Unbundled Attorney. He ensures we stay on the cutting-edge of new SEM trends, policies, and strategies to ensure our product is the best quality in the entire legal leads industry. His hobbies include studying opportunities in emerging countries, golf, and investing.
The Unbundled Attorney Community
“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”
- Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

Imagine the impact on your law practice when you can join a community of attorneys who provide similar legal services that you do, have a similar growth mindset, and who also know the in’s and out’s of being an attorney? Every attorney who signs up for our services can join us for our annual Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Retreat, where we dive deep into systematically scaling your practice, legal technology that can help automate many parts of your practice, implementing new and creative unbundling options, region expansion, and group masterminding.
Attorneys who have joined us for the retreat has said it was a true value add to our services, and many Unbundled Attorneys have gone on to double and triple their revenue. This is also where you’ll meet our staff and the leadership team behind Unbundled Attorney, who are available throughout the retreat to personally help you with growth challenges and/or opportunities you are facing in your law practice.